The Adventurer & Pathfinder Bible Experience 2022
Area Level Event - Area 8
Area8 Area Level ABE/PBE Quiz would be a in a hybrid format as itemised below:
ABE/PBE Hybrid Format Description:
- Each team should meet at a single location with reliable internet access. Meeting at your church is a good idea as the church’s projection and audio systems can be utilised.
- A computer (preferably) should be used to log onto zoom where the questions would be shared and read. This computer should be position so that the entire team can be seen. The reading and sharing of questions will be done centrally.
- Another device (preferably a laptop) should be used to access a supplied google Team Answer Sheet on which the scribe would enter the answers.
- (New) Grader's Role: At the end of each question, the grader will copy the answer from the team answer sheet to a Final Answer Sheet that isn’t accessible by the scribe.
- (New) Grader's Role: After the grader has copied the answer to the final sheet, they must raise their hand on Zoom to indicate that it is ok to reveal the answer.
- (New) Observer's Role: The observer will do the same as the grader but as a 'backup'. As a third person the observer would help with safeguarding. If the team and grader have a disagreement, the observer will be a third person to break the deadlock. The grader and observer will NOT work with their home team. They will be assigned to another team.
- Judges will grade the quiz in real time. When all the answers for a particular question are in, the judges will mark that question collaboratively, removing the need for challenges.
- (New) Can each team provide us with the following by Wednesday 19th please:
- 1 Scribe per team - Name and google email address
- 1 Grader per team - Name and google email address
- 1 Observer per team- Name and google email address
Team Tech Requirements:
- 1 laptop or desktop computer with internet access and working audio – for seeing and hearing questions
- 1 phone/table/laptop with internet access – for entering the answers
- 1 Zoom account
- 1 Google account
Timings: (NEW)
- 2:00pm Join Zoom and registration. Team will be sent to breakout room for registration and uniform inspection
- 2:15pm Program begins
- 4:30pm Join Zoom and registration. Team will be sent to breakout room for
registration and uniform inspection - 4:45pm Program begins
- 4:30pm Join Zoom and registration. Team will be sent to breakout room for
Zoom Login (New)
Please ensure that you are named as followed when logging into Zoom:
- Team: Club - Team Name [eg: Peterborough Central - Eaglet]
- Grader: Grader: Club (grading) - Your name [eg: Grader: Basildon - Clifford]
- Judges: Judge Name
- Observer: Observer: Club (observing) - Your Name [eg: Observer: Ipswich- John]
The ABE & PBE dates for 2022 are as follow:
- Area Level - 29 January 2022
- Conference Level - 19 February 2022
- Union Level - 12 March 2022
- TED Level - 16 April 2022 (NEW)
- OPTIONAL NAD Level - 23 April 2022
Area 8 ABE Teams:
- PC Eaglets - Peterborough Central Adventurer Club
- Southend - Southend Adventurer Club
- Basildon - Basildon Adventurer Club
- Cambridge - Cambridge Adventurer Club
- Colchester - Colchester Adventurer Club
Area 8 PBE Teams:
- Ipswich - Ipswich Pathfinder Club
- Cambridge - Cambridge Pathfinder Club
- PC Eagles - Peterborough Central Pathfinder Club
- Southend Team2 - Southend Pathfinder Club
- Southend Team1 - Southend Pathfinder Club
- The Wolves - Bury St. Edmunds Pathfinder Club
- Basildon - Basildon Adventurer Club
What Should You Study For PBE 2022?